Linda Maris Baros has also
translated about thirty books.
In 2008, she created the BEN - La Bibliothèque
numérique ZOOM,
(ZOOM Digital Library) a virtual library
that includes over 125 authors whom she translated and published into French or
anthologies made & translated by Linda
Maria Baros
France, Romania
· 2011, Je
mange mes vers/Îmi manânc versurile (I Eat My Lines), Angela
Marinescu, bilingual
edition, anthology of poetry (106 p.) made and
translated by Linda Maria Baros, Éditions
L’Oreille du Loup, France
· 2010, Sans issue/Fara iesire (No
Exit), Ioan Es. Pop, bilingual edition, anthology
of poetry (124 p.) made and translated by
Linda Maria Baros, Éditions
L’Oreille du Loup,
· 2008,
Anthologie de la poésie roumaine contemporaine (The Anthology of
the Romanian
Contemporary Poetry) (144 p., 20 poets), made by Linda
Maria Baros and Magda Carneci, translated
by Linda Maria Baros (17
poets) and Andrei Cadar (3 poets), in Confluences poétiques, nº 3,
· 2007, VERSUs/m - Zoom 2007, anthology of
poetry (136 p.) made by Linda
Maria Baros, Claudiu Komartin and Razvan Tupa, Editura Exigent,
· 2005, Ordinul focului (L’ordre du feu/The
Order of Fire), Collette Nys-
Mazure, anthology of poetry (292 p.) made and translated by Linda
Baros, AMB,
translations into Romanian or French -
France, Luxemburg, Liban, Romania
· 2011, Il
serait bien que vous davidisiez un peu/Ar fi bine daca ati davizice
putin (It Would Be Good if You Davidsay a
Little Bit), David Dumortier,
bilingual edition, Éditions Transignum,
· 2011, Je mange mes vers/Îmi manânc versurile
(I Eat my Lines), Angela
Marinescu, anthology of poetry (106 p.), made and translated by
Maria Baros,
bilingual edition, Éditions L’Oreille du Loup,
· 2010, Sans issue/Fara iesire (No
Exit), Ioan Es. Pop, anthology of poetry
(124 p.) made and translated by Linda Maria Baros,
bilingual edition,
Éditions L’Oreille du Loup, France
· 2007,
Attention, Tsiganes! Histoire d’un malentendu (Attention, Gypsies! The
History of a
Misunderstanding), scientific publication of the Musée
d’Histoire de la Ville de
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
· 2007, Mon plaidoyer pour la poésie (My
Speech for the Defense of Poetry),
Simona Popescu, collection of poems (108 p.),
trilingual edition (Romanian-
French-German), translated by Linda Maria Baros, Magda Carneci,
Dürsson, Alain
Lance, Jean Portante and Lionel Ray, Éditions PHI and
Institut Pierre Werner,
· 2007, Saracie aurita (La probeza
dorada/Golden Poverty), Maria Antonia
Ortega, collection of poems (64 p.), AMB,
· 2006, La luce dei miei occhi/La lumière
de mes yeux/Lumina ochilor mei,
Mario Salis, collection of poems (110 p.), trilingual
edition (French-Italian-
Romanian), translated into Romanian by Linda Maria Baros, AMB,
· 2005, the
collections of poems 11 élégies (11 Elegies) et Une Vision des
sentiments (A Vision of
Feelings), in Les non-mots et autres poèmes
(The Non-Words and Other Poems),
Nichita Stanescu, anthology of
poetry (240 p.), Éditions Textuel, France
· 2005,
Exotarium: singuratatea zilei & corp nesigur (Exotarium: La
del dia
& cuerpo inseguro/Exotarium: The Solitude of the Day and
Insecure Body), José-Luis Reina
Palazon, collection of poems (194 p.),
AMB, Romania
· 2005, Lauda bucatariei de tara
(Éloge pour une cuisine de province/In Praise
of Country Cooking), Guy
Goffette, collection of poems (196 p.), AMB,
· 2005, Ordinul focului (L’ordre du
feu/The Order of Fire), Collette Nys-
Mazure, anthology of poetry (292 p.) made and
translated by Linda Maria
Baros, AMB, Romania
· 2003, Une Vision des sentiments/O viziune a
sentimentelor (A Vision of
Feelings), Nichita Stanescu, collection of poems, bilingual
edition (184 p.),
translated by Linda Maria Baros, Roxana Ologeanu and Iulia Tudos-Codre,
Éditions Autres Temps,
· 2003, Spionul bunului Dumnezeu (El
espía de Dios/God’s Spy), Maria Antonia
Ortega, collection of poems (64 p.), AMB,
· 2003, L’Évangile selon Jean la Métaphore
(The Gospel According to John
the Metaphor), Dumitru M. Ion, collection of poems (64 p.),
(French-Arabic), translated into French by Linda Maria Baros,
Éditions Naaman, Lebanon
· 2002,
reprinted 2004, Un oarecare Plume/Un certain Plume (A Certain
Plume), Henri
Michaux, collection of poems (100 p.), bilingual edition,
translated by Linda Maria Baros, Alina
Ioana Filioreanu and Adrian Cristea,
Editura Paralela 45, Romania
· 2002, reprinted. 2004, N-as prea vrea ca s-o
mierlesc/Je voudrais pas crever
(I Wouldn’t Want to Die), Boris Vian,
collection of poems (96 p.), bilingual
edition, translated by Linda Maria Baros and Georgiana
Banu, Editura
45, Romania
· 2002,
L’Évangile selon Jean la Métaphore (The Gospel According to John
Metaphor), Dumitru M. Ion, collection of poems (72 p.), Ex Libris,
· 2002,
Evanghelia dupa Ioan Metafora/L’Évangile selon Jean la Métaphore
(The Gospel According
to John the Metaphor), Dumitru M. Ion, collection
of poems (128 p.), bilingual edition,
Editura Academiei Orient-Occident,
· 2002, Incident incandescent/Incident
incandescent (Incandescent Incident),
Manfred Szilagyi, collection of poems (96 p.),
bilingual edition, AMB,
· 2000, Une ligne presque noire/O linie
aproape neagra (A Nearly Black Line),
Mircea Barsila, collection of poems (112 p.),
bilingual edition, AMB,
· 1999, Piciul (Le Petit
Chose/Little What’s-His-Name), Alphonse Daudet, novel
(336 p.), Tedit FZH, Romania
· 1999, L'Air
de la perdition via le Moulin Rouge/Aria pierzaniei via Moulin Rouge
(The Air of Perdition
via Moulin Rouge), George Bocsa, collection of poems
(192 p.), bilingual edition, AMB,
· 1998, Ordin de lupta: curaj! (Order of
battle: courage!), D.A. Rayner, novel
(176 p.), Editura Z, Romania
translations published in anthologies
of poetry and scientific books
· 2011, poems by Marta Petreu, in the
anthology Voix de la Méditerranée 2011
(Mediterranean Voices 2011), Éditions Clapas,
· 2011, poems by Adrian Alui Gheorghe, in the
anthology of the international festival
Zile si nopti de literatura (The
International Days and Nights of
Literature), Romanian Writers’ Union, Romania
· 2010, poems
by Jan H. Mysjkin, in the anthology Voor mijn ogen ligt bet
Poezie Centrum Gent, Belgium
· 2010, poems by Angela Marinescu and Magda
Carneci, in the on-line anthology
Terre de femmes (Women’s Land),
· 2008, Anthologie de la poésie roumaine
contemporaine (The Anthology of
the Contemporary Romanian Poetry) (136 p., 20
poets), made by Linda
Maria Baros and Magda Carneci, translated by Linda Maria Baros (17
poets: Ileana
Malancioiu, Angela Marinescu, Ana Blandiana, Paul Aretzu,
Liviu Ioan Stoiciu, Marian Draghici,
Gabriel Chifu, Marta Petreu, Ioan Es.
Pop, Lucian Vasilescu, Mihail Galatanu, Simona Popescu, Serban
Dan Coman, Dan
Sociu, Cosmin Perta, Claudiu Komartin) and Andrei
Cadar (3 poets: Serban Foarta, Nichita Danilov, Traian
T. Cosovei), in
Confluences poétiques, nº 3, France
· 2008, poems
by Magda Carneci, in the collection of poems Trois saisons
(Three Poetical Seasons), Éditions PHI, Luxembourg
· 2007, poems
by Jan H. Mysjkin, in the anthology Maratonul European de poezie
(The European
Marathon of Poetry), translated by Linda Maria Baros
and the author, Romania
· 2005, poems
by Guy Goffette and Claudiu Komartin, in the anthology Ars
Amandi/Poeme -
Poèmes (Ars Amandi - Poems), made by the Latin
Union and the Romanian Cultural Institute
for the fourth edition of the
International Poetry Festival of the Latin World,
· 2005, poems by Nichita Stanescu, George Bacovia,
Radu Gyr et Nichifor Crainic,
in Les Recrues de la damnation (The Recruits of the
Doom), Linda Maria
Baros, scientific book, Editura Muzeul National al Literaturii Române,
The Anthology of the Romanian Contemporary
(20 poets),
2008, France
11 Elegies & A Vision of Feelings, in
The Non-Words and Other Poems, Nichita Stanescu,
translations published in reviews
· 2011, poems
by Lucian Vasilescu in the Tageblatt newspaper, on the 4th of April,
· 2011, poems
by Claudiu Komartin, in Levure Littéraire, nº 2, France
· 2011,
Dossier de poésie néerlandaise (Collection of Dutch Poems - 7
Sybren Polet,
Simon Vinkenoog, Remco Campert, Alfred Schaffer, Hagar
Peeters, Mustafa Stitou, Riekus
Waskowsky) and poems by Jan H.
Mysjkin, translated by Linda Maria Baros and Jan H. Mysjkin, in
VERSUs/m, nº 4,
· 2010, poems by Cosmin Perta, in Seine
et Danube, nº 1, France
· 2010, poems by Mircea Barsila and Ioan Es.
Pop, in Seine et Danube, nº 2,
· 2009, poems by Lionel Ray, Jean-Pierre Siméon,
Guy Goffette and Bernard
Mazo, in Luceafarul de dimineata, nº 10-11, 13, Romania
· 2009,
Cristian, short story by Doina Rusti, in Le Bateau Fantôme, nº 8,
· 2009, Dossier de poésie roumaine
(Collection of Romanian Poems - 13 poets,
from whom 8 were translated by Linda Maria Baros: Dan
Coman, Dan
Sociu, Cosmin
Perta, Teodor Duna, George Vasilievici, Mugur Grosu, V.
Leac, Dumitru Badita), in Langage
& créativité, nº 4, Canada
· 2009, Dossier de poésie roumaine
(Collection of Romanian Poems - 5 poets:
Floarea Tutuianu, George Vasilievici, Mugur Grosu, V.
Leac, Dumitru
in Formafluens, nº 4, Italia
· 2009, poems by Simon Vinkenoog, translated
by Linda Maria Baros and Jan H.
Mysjkin, in Ziarul de duminica, on the 24th of
July, Romania
· 2009, poems by Jean Portante, in Luceafarul de
dimineata, nº 39-40, Romania
· 2007, poems by Dan Coman, in MIR, nº 1,
· 2007, poems by Robert Serban, Ioan Flora, Eugen
Bunaru, Dusan Petrovici and
Petre Stoica, in Le Banat: Un Eldorado sans confins, special
isue of the
review Cultures d’Europe Centrale, Presses Universitaires de la
Sorbonne, Paris IV,
· 2007, Dossier de poésie roumaine
(Collection of Romanian Poems - 13 poets:
Valeriu Andrei, Linda Maria Baros, Teodor Duna,
Claudiu Komartin,
Catalin Lazurca, V. Leac, Alexandra Mihalcea, Oana Catalina Ninu, Cosmin
Perta, Livia Rosca,
Andra Rotaru, Dan Sociu, Razvan Tupa), translated by
Linda Maria Baros, José María Lopera,
David Marín and Isabel Miguel, in
Alora, la bien cercada, nº 23, Spain
· 2007, poems
by Magda Carneci, in Bulletin Interactif du Centre International
de Recherches et
Études Transdisciplinaires, nº 19, France, Transcript,
· 2007, poems by Jan H. Mysjkin, translated by
Linda Maria Baros and the author,
in Noua Literatura, nº 9, Romania
· 2006, poems
by Nicolae Coande, in Terra Nova Magazine, nº 25, Canada
· 2006,
Dossier de poésie roumaine (Collection of Romanian Poems - 9 poets:
Ioan Es. Pop, Lucian
Vasilescu, Razvan Tupa, Claudiu Komartin, Liviu
Mircea, D. M. Cipariu, Nicolae Sirius, Niculina Oprea,
Linda Maria Baros)
poems by Guy Goffette and Sophie Loizeau, in VERSUs/m, nº 2,
· 2005, poems
by Gerrit Kouwenaar (translated by Linda Maria Baros and Jan H.
Mysjkin), Tomasz Rozycki and Nichita
Stanescu, in VERSUs/m, nº 1,
· 2005, poems by Guy Goffette, in Semn, nº
3-4, The Republic of Moldavia
· 2005, poems by Arjen Duinker, translated by Linda
Maria Baros and Jan H.
Mysjkin, in Caietele internationale de poezie/International Notebook of
Poetry, nº 6,
United States of America
· 2005, the literary study “Virgil Tanase et le
rêve inventé“ (“Virgil Tanase and the
Invented Dream“) by Marian-Victor Buciu, in Seine et Danube,
nº 6,
· 2005, the literary study “La mort du
réalisme-socialiste et la renaissance de
l’expérimentalisme. Le mouvement onirique“ (“The Death
of the Socialist
and the Rebirth of the Experimentalism. The Oneiric Curernt“) by
Nicoleta Salcudeanu, in
Seine et Danube, nº 6, France
· 2004, poems by Serge Meurant, Guy Goffette and
Georges Castera, in
Cafeneaua literara, nº 5, Contemporanul, nº 25,
Luceafarul, nº 369,
· 2004, poems by Remco Campert, translated by Linda
Maria Baros and Jan H.
Mysjkin, in Caietele internationale de poezie/International Notebook of
Poetry, nº 5,
The United States of America
· 2004, poems by Magda Carneci, in
Po&sie, nº 108, Nunc, nº 6, Action
Poétique, nº 180, France
· 2004, the
literary study “Onirisme esthétique“ (“Oneiric Esthetic“) by
Victor Buciu, in
Seine et Danube, nº 3, France
· 2003, poems by Liviu Ioan Stoiciu and Ioana
Nicolaie, in Poésie 2003, nº 98,
· 2003, poems by Sybren Polet, translated by Linda
Maria Baros and Jan H.
Mysjkin, in Cafeneaua literara, nº 7, Romania
· 2003, poems
by Jan H. Mysjkin, translated by Linda Maria Baros and the author,
in Contemporanul,
nº 7, Romania
· 2002, poems and biographies of Eric Brogniet, Guy
Goffette, Ioan Flora, Petre
Stoica, Paul Vinicius; fragments of prose and biography of Alain
Grillet, in
Caietele Festivalului International de Literatura de la Neptun
(The Notebooks of the
International Literary Festival of Neptun),
· 2000, poems by Serge Meurant, Guy Goffette and
Georges Castera, in Caietele
internationale de poezie/International Notebook of
Poetry, nº 1, The
United States of America
other translations - literary and
artistic projects, shows, poetry readings, cartoons movies,
· 2009, poetical fragments by Nichita Stanescu -
Regarder Oana (Looking at
Oana), cartoon movie made by Sébastien
Laudenbach, France
· 2009, poems by Angela Marinescu, Iolanda Malamen,
Ana Blandiana, Ileana
Malancioiu, Nora Iuga - leaflet published in the frame of the
J’aime la poésie (Zoom-Romania! I Love Poetry) project -
for the Salon du
Livre, Paris, France
· 2008, 2009, poems by Sylvestre Clancier, Charles
Dobzynski, Guy Goffette,
Bernard Mazo, Jean Portante, Lionel Ray, Jean-Pierre Siméon, André
Velter - poetry cards
and poetry readings - for the promotion program of
French poetry - Les Belles Françaises,
· 2008, poems by Grete Tartler - Nuit de
l’écrit (Night of Writing), poetry reading
organized by the Romanian Cultural
Institute from Paris during the Lire en
fête festival, France
· 2008, poems
by Constanta Buzea, Traian T. Cosovei, Florin Iaru, Marta Petreu,
Adrian Popescu - leaflet
published in the frame of the Zoom-Roumanie!
J’aime la poésie (Zoom-Romania!
I Love Poetry) project - for the Salon
du Livre, Paris, France
· 2007, poems
by Dan Coman, Claudiu Komartin, Cosmin Perta, Razvan Tupa -
leaflet published in the frame of the
Zoom-Roumanie! J’aime la poésie
(Zoom-Romania! I Love Poetry) project - for the
Salon du Livre, Paris,
· 2007, poems by Matei Visniec - Parapluies
poétiques (Poetical Umbrellas),
Éditions Transignum, France
· 2007, poems
by Ana Blandiana and Marin Sorescu - verything/Synchronization,
documentary, The
Cultural Center of Switzerland from Paris, France
· 2007, poems
by Nichita Stanescu, Ana Blandiana, Lucian Avramescu, Dan
Verona and Petre Stoica - Dialogues et
fantaisies en jazz (Dialogues and
Fantasies on Jazz), show of poetry and jazz
organized by the Romanian
Cultural Institute from Paris, France
(books) - current publications
· 2012, Je
guéris avec ma langue (Vindec cu limba/I Heal with my Tongue),
Floarea Tutuianu,
anthology of poetry (64 p.) made and translated by Linda
Maria Baros, Éditions Caractères, France
· 2012,
Poeti francezi de astazi (Today’s French Poets), anthology of
(180 p.) made and
translated by Linda Maria Baros, Editura Exigent,
· 2011, Cenusa zilelor (La cendre des
jours/The Ashes of Days), Bernard Mazo,
collection of poems (64 p.), Editura Exigent,
· 2011, Poemele noptii si ale dorintei
(Onzains de la nuit et du désir/Poems of
Night and Desire), Jean-Yves Masson, collection
of poems (128 p.),
Editura Exigent, Romania
· 2011, Inundatii (Inundations),
Barbara Pogacnik, anthology of poetry (64 p.)
made by Linda Maria Baros, translated by Linda Maria
Baros and the
Editura Exigent, Romania
· 2011, COBRA, anthology of poetry (160 p.)
made by Jan H. Mysjkin, translated
by Linda Maria Baros and Jan H. Mysjkin, Editura Exigent,
· 2011, Aritmetica atingerii
(L’arithmétique du toucher/The Arithmetics of
Touching), collection of poems (72
p.), Jan H. Mysjkin, translated by Linda
Maria Baros and the author, Editura Exigent,
Translation fellowships
· 2007,
Translation Fellowship - The Translators’ House (Vertalerhuis), Amsterdam,
· 2003, Translation Fellowship - Literature
Translators’ European College of
Seneffe, Belgium
Translation workshops
· 2011,
VERSschmuggel/réVERSible, Poesiefestival Berlin,
· 2006, Le Centre de Rencontres Abbaye
Neumünster, Pierre Werner Institut,
· 2005, The 3rd Poetry Translation
Workshop The Golden Boat, Slovenia
Linda Maria Baros - Official Site. Translations
French poetry - modern French poetry - contemporary poets
poetry of the
twentieth and twenty-first century - French poets - translations
125 poets
from France, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Germany, Spain,
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Romania, Morocco etc.